Comparing both coffee and water, water might have not received much recognition from the media compared to other antioxidants, coffee, etc.
Still, water has been an integral part of our existence, with almost 60% of the human body made up of water.
Does Coffee count as Water?
There is a famous myth connected to Coffee that is they are diuretic in nature. This means that they increase the passage of urine, and thus making coffee a dehydrating element.
Before getting into the topic of coffee related dehydration, we will check out the basic water level intake which is a must for a human being.
Talking about women, they require 90 ounces of water in a day, while men need to take 125 ounces of water. Some people say, that if you are taking a cup of coffee daily, then you need to take an extra cup of water. So is this true?
Our answer is No. A test result has shown that with consumption of an equal amount of water and other drinks the water level intake does not get affected in any manner.
Also, with more liquid intake, you will pee more frequently. So this could be a possible reason for dehydration. Still, it can be adjusted later.
Just think what is used in the making of coffee? Water!
So we can easily count the Coffee drink as Water! While there are many people, who remain active and functional only with drinking cups of coffee.
You may wonder here about the origin of the Dehydration myth related to coffee. We believe that people who said this only compared the coffee intake and the urine production. They didn’t consider it important to compare the urine production for both coffee and water.
The same is the case with the tea as well. If you are consuming tea, coffee on any day, then they add to the total Water consumption in your body.
So this was our take on whether coffee can be counted as water.
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