There are some or the other issues that arise when you are using any mechanical or electronic gadgets or devices. And no matter how high-end and quality product you make, everything has its own life span. So, there will be one or the other concerning problems that may arise in every gadget.
Troubleshooting The Bunn Coffee Maker
With plenty of users of Bunn Coffee Brewers, there are some little amount of problems that some of these users are facing. But here we are offering the easiest and the most effective fixes that can solve certain common issues that arise in your Bunn Coffee Maker machine.
So, let’s see what are the issues that are commonly experienced, theirs causes and the fixes.

BUNN NHS Velocity Brew 10-Cup | Editor's Choice | |
BUNN BT Velocity Thermal Carafe | Buyers' Choice | |
BUNN GRB Velocity Brew | Runner-Up | |
BUNN VPR-2GD | Premium Pick | |
BUNN Speed Brew Home Brewer | Budget Pick |
**Rated by experts at Petlovesbest at the time of publication. It has nothing to do with Amazon ratings and reviews.
#1. Long Fill Time
For the coffee to be made with the help of the Bunn brewer or any other brewer, a large quantity of water is required.
And so the machines needs to be filled with water before the brewing of coffee takes place.

But in some cases, the filling time of water inside the tank of the brewer becomes a very long process.
Hence, as it takes more time to fill the water tank, it takes more time to get the coffee ready. So how to get the water tank of the brewer to fill at a reasonable speed? And what is the reason behind such an issue?
It is caused due to various reasons such as supply line being obstructed by the waste, too small supply line, water being shut off from entering the brewer or it may be the failure of the inlet solenoid. However, it can also be caused due to the failure of the control board.
- The water supply line of this Bunn Brewer should be cleaned or replaced if required.
- To turn on the water supply if it is off.
- To get the solenoid valve and the control board checked by the expert.
#2. Low-Temperature Issues

There happens to be an issue regarding the temperature of the ready coffee. The coffee sometimes tends to have a lower temperature than appropriate. And this even affects the flavor of the coffee as well which is the most undesirable thing for you when you badly need a coffee.
So what should be done?
The main cause behind the low-temperature coffee or unflavored coffee is the lower temperature of the fill water. And as a result of this improper brewing of the coffee takes place.
- You should wait till the water in the brewer is heated properly and gets up to the appropriate temperature.
- There is a Brew Lock-Out function in these Bunn machines. You need to disable this function with the help of the manual that you are being provided (as different models may have a different procedure to do so).
#3. Water Overflowing from Filter
There are times when your Bunn coffee brewer may have a trouble with water overflowing. This overflowing of water from the filter may cause the surrounding to get watery and messy. And there is even the risk of short circuiting due to such mess.
To avoid such things you need to take the required steps as stated further.
This can be caused to the spray head that is missing from the brewer. However, the another reason of the water overflow can be the kind of paper filter that you are using in your Bunn coffee brewer.
- It is recommended to use the Bunn paper filters only for better extraction of the coffee and proper brewing process.
- And if the spray head is missing or damaged, then a proper one should be installed at its place.
#4. Machine Does Not Start
If your Bunn coffee brewer does not start then how will you make the coffee for yourself? So without the equipment to start, getting a coffee cup becomes just a dream. And such desires will make you run down the road to the nearest cafeteria and grab one every time you need it.
But can we fix this? Yes, it can be fixed, let’s see how.
The lamest reason of all causing the machine not to start is the no power supply. However, there can be another reason as well, the incorrect voltage supply.
- To check the power supply switch if it has any issue. And whether the wire is being plugged into the machine and the electric socket or not.
- But if there is the voltage issue, then you need to show it to the expert for the service.
#5. Carafe Overflow
The carafe of various coffee makers is different. They have different capacity and volume up to which they can get filled. But sometimes these carafes get overflowed due to excess amount of coffee being brewed.

This causes mess and wastage of coffee to a great extent.
To avoid such incidents to take place certain things should be taken care of.
Every brewer has a feature called brew volume adjustment. If there is any improper setting in this feature then there can be an overflowing carafe in your kitchen very now and then.
Moreover, even if there is a leftover in the carafe from the previous batch, then there are the chances of overflow.
- It is advisable to start the brewing process only when there is no leftover in the carafe from the earlier batch.
- The brew volume of the brewer should be set perfectly and according to the carafe specifications.
#6. Noise From The Brewer
After a couple of years of using the coffee maker machine, it may happen that it starts making different noises when the brewing process is being started or carried on. Such unusual noises may put us in fear regarding the machine’s working.
And make us imagine all sorts of results that can take place if the same there is the same noise all the time. But to stop these noises you can take the following steps.
The plumbing lines can be the reason behind the noise that is being generated during the working of the machine. Even the solenoids vibration can make a bit of noise as well.
Water pressure in the water line or even the tank heaters make noise while the machine is performing the brewing process.
- If the solenoids are vibrating pretty badly, then you may need to get it serviced.
- However, the plumbing pipes should not be running down through the counter tops.
- The tank heater is a crucial and highly technical part of the machine so an expert is recommended for this.
- Whereas, a regulator should be installed to control the pressure of the water entering the brewer under 90 psi.
#7. Brewing Process Does Not Start
The brewing process is the process where the coffee ground is mixed with water and an extraction is generated which is what we call the coffee. If there is any issue in this process then it is likely that there won’t be any coffee in the carafe even after an hour.
The main and most common reason is the absence of water in the brewer. The brew switch is not ON or there might be some problem in the switch.
- To fix the absence of water issue, you need to check the plumbing and water supply to the brewer.
- Check the shut-off valve.See to it that the brewer ON/OFF switch is ON.
- However, if the brewer switch is not working properly then you need to take the brewer for the service.
My Bunn coffeemaker is starting to make very weak coffee. I use Folgers Columbian grind and the Bunn filters but no matter how much coffee I put in the filter the brew is the same, WEAK. What is the problem?
Thank You,
Teresa Ogle
Did you figure out the answer to this problem? Mine is doing this now.
My bunn starts to brew then at about two cups brewed it starts to drip out of the tiny holes behind the filter holder the drips sometimes turn into a stream i have cleaned it and im not over filling the carafe
after i pour fresh water into tank the maker starts to brew into pot clear warm wate drips out of the bottom of tank through a small hole in bottom of the case this is a stx model about 7 yrs old
I am done with Bunn. This is the third one I have bought and this one didnt last 4 months. I am angry that these cost over a hundred dollers and has such a short life span.
My Bunn coffee maker is overflowing from the filter every time a brew a pot causig a mess. Spray part in place and using Bunn filters. Any toughts ?
My Bunn Thermofresh will not brew. Water doesn’t come out it to the carafe.
Hadn’t been used for over a year
My Bunn is leaking. There is water on the counter top What is the fix?
I have not seen this so I am asking what to do . When I make 10 cups it will only make 8 or if I fill it to 8 it makes 6 so what do I need to do to get my 10 cups?
How do I know how much water to put in to fill the tank
I cleaned bunn and when I tip it to drain, something that looks like fine gravel comes out. Is ther a filter in the water tank that may have busted? Suggestions?
I have problem number three. I use only Bunn filters and have alleviated my problem by poking more holes through the filter. Believe there’s a manufacturing problem with your filters. thank you
i am disapointed with my new bunn coffee maker. it does not keep coffee in the carafe very hot. i usually have to heat it in my micro wave. ist cup is ok but after that it’s microwave time . any solutions?
I just bought a bunn coffee maker two days ago and the first time I brewed a pot of coffee I used the filters that came with the coffee pot and it then the water and grounds are pouring out from the the container where you put the grounds, then I used my filters and the same thing. It seems to start doing this around 4 cups. I had two other bunn coffee makers in the past and seemed to never have a problem. Please help