There are many people in the world who are addicted to coffee. In honor of all those coffee lovers out there, here is our brief compilation on, 101 Interesting Facts about Coffee Every Avid Drinker Must Know. With the help of this article, we are going to explain you about some of the facts that will leave you in an utter shock. The information about these facts is surely going to increase your love for your coffee.
Interesting Facts about Coffee – Top 101 Unknown Facts
Below enlisted are some of the known unknown, yet amazing and interesting facts about coffee. We are damn sure that while going through these facts, you will be both surprised and shocked. Apart from that, a knowledge of these facts will make you know about coffee in a better way. If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.
Health Related - Interesting Facts about Coffee
Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the health regarding aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.

1. Coffee makes us strong emotionally
Drinking coffee makes us emotionally strong. In this way, we become capable of handling emotional breakdowns and can recover from them. Hence, for people who are weak emotionally, must drink coffee on regular basis. It will surely make you capable of resisting the emotional pains you are going through.
2. And also supports us physically
It is now scientifically proven that coffee supports us physically. While sipping our daily dose of coffee, we will be getting a lot of strength so as to carry out our day to day activities. Therefore, if you want a peculiar physique, we will recommend you to drink coffee more often.
3. It empowers our brain
Coffee helps in activating our brain cells. As a result, it empowers our brain. The people who are of a creative nature and are involved in such activities, you might have noticed them drinking a lot of coffee. It is because coffee increases their thinking power and makes them capable of taking tough decisions.
4. We can relax ourselves having a warm cup of coffee
With a warm cup of coffee, we will be able to calm down our nerves. In case there are lots of things going on in our mind, having a sip of coffee will surely get you peace. In this way, you will be able to take a perfect decision. It draws our brain in the right direction, in between an ocean full of thoughts.
5. It makes us alert about the happenings in our surroundings
Sometimes, when people are in the mid of many thoughts, we become unaware of the things happening around us. Coffee makes us mentally aware and makes us focus on such activities.
6. Having a cup of coffee hydrates our body
Dehydration in our body is cause for many infections and harmful effect on our body. But, while drinking coffee, we also increase the amount of our water intake. Due to this, our body will never feel short of the water that it needs to survive and function.
7. Coffee without sugar is having no calories
Now, there are rumors prevailing in the market that having coffee increases your calories intake. However, this is not at all true. In case you don’t want calories, you just have to reduce the amount of sugar in your coffee cup. Raw coffee doesn’t have even a bit of calorie in it.
8. It also helps in improving the flow of blood across our body
Coffee when reaches our blood cells in the form of a fluid, it provides the body with the necessary amount of hydration. As a result, the flow of blood in our veins improves and reaches each of our body organs quickly.
9. Coffee is also an effective antioxidant
As coffee is an effective antioxidant, it restricts the growth of harmful radicals in our body. Because of this, it prevents our body to fall before some bacteria and harmful elements.
10. We can also reduce the risk of cancer with six cups of coffee in a day
Coffee is having such elements in it, that restricts the growth of cancer cells in our body. Therefore, an avid coffee drinker is less prone to such deadly diseases. Coffee can save you from cancer of liver, prostate, throat and a lot more.
11. Drinking a cup of coffee will also keep your heart in a proper balance
Coffee also improves the flow of blood in our body. This reduces the effort that our heart has to make so as to let the blood flow through our body. In this way, our heart remains in a balanced position and works in an appropriate manner on all grounds.
12. It is also beneficial for our internal organs such as liver
The person who drinks alcohol is having a weak liver. Having few cups of coffee in a day helps in improving the condition of the liver to a greater extent.
Nutrition Related - Interesting Facts about Coffee

Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the nutrition regarding aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.
13. Coffee Stimulates our metabolism
Even if you want to increase your metabolism, coffee is the perfect beverage you can go for. We will be able to burn out a lot of unnecessary calories, which will help in keeping ourselves healthy, from the ill effect of obesity.
14. The effect of coffee stays on our body for a period up to 6 Hours
Once you drink a cup of coffee, the effect of that cup stays on our body for up to 6 Hours time period. Hence, it will not make us feel short of energy so as to carry out the work.
15. It prevents the radicals from damaging the cells of our body
The main cause our body becomes prone to diseases is the damaging of beneficial cells of our body. But, drinking coffee kills such harmful radicals. In this way, the coffee we drink saves us from falling ill.
16. No more worries about the Parkinson’s Disease
Having coffee regularly restricts the development of enzymes causing the Parkinson’s Disease. Therefore, if you are having a family history with this disease, you must have few cups of coffee daily. You will surely not become the victim of this disease.
17. Also get rid of your Alzheimer’s disease
And same is the in the case of Alzheimer’s disease. Drinking a decaffeinated cup of coffee will help your body to fight the cells causing this disease. Hence, we will be able to keep our body safe from the ill effect of this disease.
18. Drinking coffee reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disorders
Neurodegenerative disorders also cause many harmful effects on our body and health. Thus, the people who are prone to such disorders must not hesitate to drink few cups of coffee regularly.
19. It also helps in curing depression
Depression is the quickly spreading mental disorder among the humans. But, it is a proven belief, that the people who drink coffee regularly can easily get rid of depression. Thus, if you are getting ill thoughts, just hold your mug tightly and start sipping coffee. You will surely feel food within no time.
20. And then there are countries which consider Coffee as a Wonder Drug!
Arabia and in some of the Islamic countries, coffee is considered as a wonder drug. Moreover, in the earlier days, in order to get coffee, they required a prescription from a doctor.
21. It one of the safest energy drink
Any energy drink that we consume is having either some or another effect on our body. But, when we come to coffee, there isn’t any harmful effect of consuming coffee. It is the safest energy drink that we can have.
22. Drinking coffee also reduces the threat of Type-2 Diabetes
One of the best health-related interesting facts about coffee is that it prevents the Type-2 Diabetes. Therefore, the family with the history of this disease must have few coffee cups daily. It will surely help in the prevention of this disease.
23. We can get rid of harmful viruses from our body
There are many harmful viruses entering our body from our food, water or air intake. But, having few cups of coffee on daily basis will help in the effective removal of such harmful viruses from our body.
24. And also fight with our cavities in a better way
Cavities are a frequent occurrence in our mouth. However, if you want to get rid of cavities from your mouth, coffee is also helpful in this case. Having a cup of coffee will help in the effective removal of such cavity causing elements from our mouth.
25. Hotter the coffee, better the stomach
There are plenty of benefits of having warm coffee. When it reaches our stomach, it improves the conditions of our intestines and stomach. As a result, our digestion tract will become strong and it will function perfectly.
Black Coffee's Effect Related - Interesting Facts about Coffee
Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the funny aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.

26. Black Coffee is Calorie Free
There are many rumors prevalent about the black coffee in the market. People say that it contains a bulk of calorie. However, this is not at all true. There aren’t any traces of calorie in the black coffee.
27. And it also reduces the inflammation in our body
Inflammation of our body parts causes us a lot of trouble. Coffee is an effective beverage so as to reduce the inflammation. Due to this, the people who are facing this issues must have coffee more often.
28. It leads us to a healthy lifestyle
Offering us with so many health benefits, coffee helps us to lead a healthy lifestyle. With all the above-given health benefits, we will be able to take care of our health in a better way.
29. Black Coffee Suppresses the Tumor
During some diseases, the development of a tumor initiates. To suppress this tumor, one needs carrying out too many health treatments. Although, these treatments are pretty much painful too. But, having a cup of black coffee burns the elements that have caused the tumor. In this way, black coffee helps in the suppressing of a tumor.

30. It also makes our respiratory system function in a better way
Even our respiratory system has gained advantages from the coffee that we drink. It removes the harmful elements present in our respiratory tract. As a result, our respiratory system functions in a better way.
Fun Related - Interesting Facts about Coffee

Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to drinking the black coffee. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.
31. Stay away from coffee if you are an athlete
Drinking more than 5 cups of coffee in a day increases the level of caffeine in your body. Under medical checks, if so much amount of coffee is found in the urine of athlete, the committee will disqualify the athlete from the event.
32. Japan – Where you can hang out with cats while having coffee
In Japan and Korea, there are special coffee shops where you can hang out with cats while having coffee. Such coffee shops are very much popular among the people who love both the cats as well as the coffee.
33. Even our Saliva loves coffee
If we don’t smell coffee, we wouldn’t be able to identify it’s taste. The reason for it states that our saliva absorbs half of the taste of the coffee that we drink.
34. Say “Hello” and “Please” to get Coffee at lower rate
You might be shocked but it is true. There are some coffee shops in France, where if you don’t address the server with gentle words like Hello and Please, it will be a liable reason for him to increase the rate of a coffee cup.
35. Even Elephants produce Coffee
Known as the Black Ivory Coffee and produced by the Thai Elephants, it is the most expensive coffee in the world. And to increase your shock, another fact is that this coffee is made out from the Elephant’s dung.
36. Coffee in a Death Sentence
Gustav III of Sweden has once tried out one weird punishment. He transformed the death sentence of the twins by ordering them to feed one twin with three pots of coffee while feeding the other with three pots of tea. This was done as a virtue of understanding the health effects of these beverages on the human body.
37. Want to kill someone, feed them with 70 cups of coffee
If you want to kill a normal human weighing 70 KGs. All you have to do is to feed him with 70 Cups of Coffee in a day. It will surely cause the instant death.
38. It was actually a Locksmith, who started the coffee mill
The history of coffee states that in the year of 1965, a Locksmith of London began the coffee mill in the city. It was the first ever coffee mill in England which started the preparation of coffee beans in the country.
39. Stopping the coffee consumption has also led to many revolts
There are many instances, where the banning of coffee at a particular place resulted the people to revolt against the government. This clearly depicts the love people have for coffee in their heart.
History Related - Interesting Facts about Coffee
Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the history regarding aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.

40. The year 1530 – First coffee house in Damascus
The first ever coffee house in the world was started in the city of Damascus of Syria. When coffee was not even in other parts of the world, it was established in the year of 1530.
41. Years 1650 to 1700 – From 1 to 2000 Coffee Shops in England
The first ever coffee shop in England was in London in the year of 1650. However, in just 50 years of the first coffee shop, the number of shops grew from 1 to 2000 until the year of 1700. This is the love for coffee, England is having in its heart for coffee.
42. Starbucks is opening 2 stores daily since the year of 1987
Starbucks is one of the leading coffee selling chain in the world. You can measure their progress just with the stats that it is opening 2 shops daily since the year of 1987 without taking a stop.
43. The goats must get the credit for finding coffee
It was in the 9th century, when a goat ate the coffee. The shepherds noticed that the goat got extremely excited after having that plant. And this is how coffee was found among the plants.
44. Trading of Coffee is going on since a long time
And since the inception of coffee, the trade of coffee started in the world. Beginning from the 12th century, till now people are continuously trading coffee from one place to another. In this way, coffee is now available to each and every person in the world.
45. Now, it is the second most traded commodity
After the petroleum products, coffee is featuring amongst the most traded commodities of the world. We can just imagine the demand and popularity, coffee is having all around the world.
46. And when people tried to ban coffee
There are many instances when people tried to ban coffee. One such incident went to Pope Vincent, as some people considered coffee as blasphemous. The pope himself tasted the coffee and declared that it isn’t blasphemous and people can drink it without any kind of worries.
47. Largest Coffee cup ever
The largest coffee cup ever was displayed in an exhibition in the year of 2010. This event took place in the city of Las Vegas. It can accommodate 2010 gallons of coffee in it. Moreover, it measures 8 * 8 Foot, making it the largest coffee cup ever in the history.
48. New York – Drinking Coffee since 1600
In the year of 1600, New York got its first-ever supply of Coffee. It is a notable thing that in the present days, People in New York drink almost 7 cups of coffee in a single day.
49. Coffee – The wine of Arabia
The word Coffee is derived from the Arabic word Qawah. In the Arab language, the word qawah means the wine of Arabia. During olden days, the emperors of this region were using the same word for coffee.
50. In American Civil War, soldiers were given 8 pounds of coffee in their ration
While the American Civil War was going on, the soldiers were getting 100 pounds of the ration. Of these 100 pounds, 8 pounds was of coffee. They were also having an option of choosing green coffee pounds. American soldiers were extremely fond of coffee during those days.
51. Introduction of Coffee resulted in the fall of sales of wine
With the beginning of coffee sales in England, the wine shop owners opposed it. The main reason for their opposing was because they were thinking that the sales of coffee will result in the decline of sales of wine in the market.
52. Ottoman Empire gave a death sentence for drinking coffee
During the reign of Sultan Murad IV, drinking coffee was a principal offense. Anyone who is caught drinking coffee got a death sentence. Certainly, this ottoman empire wouldn’t have been a fan of Starbucks.
53. East India Coffee Trade begin with the growing of coffee in Indonesia
In the year of 1690, Indonesia started producing the coffee. This led to the beginning of the East India Coffee Trade to the other parts of the world. As a result, many traders from the west came to this region.
54. London noticed a Women’s Petition Against Coffee in the year of 1674
In the year of 1674, the Women’s Petition Against Coffee came into existence. Their main complaint was that, instead of taking care of their family, their husbands were spending most of the time in the coffee shops. Hence, they were demanding to ban the sales and consumption of coffee in London.
Random - Interesting Facts about Coffee

Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the random aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.
55. It is the second most famous beverage in World after water
Water, which is one of the basic necessities for humans to survive. Coffee ranks second in the list of most famous beverages in the world. This signifies the importance, coffee is having in our life.
56. Perhaps, coffee was the first food to be frozen
Also, the coffee was the first food commodities of the world to get frozen. Because of the unavailability of coffee is some parts of the world, it’s trading began. So as to preserve the coffee during the travel time period, the traders used to freeze them so as to make them survive till a long period of time.
57. In Italian language, Espresso means forcing out
Espresso is the method of instantly extracting the coffee from the coffee beans. The word coffee came into existence, from the Italian words espresso which clearly means forcing out.
58. Arabica and Robusta – Two main types of coffee beans
There are two main types of coffee beans available in the market. One is Arabica, while the other is Robusta. Rest of the differences among coffee is prepared by the differences in the method of roasting them.
59. Brazil – The leading coffee producing country
The country of Brazil is the leading coffee producing country in the world. Constituting to the almost 40% coffee production in the world, this beautiful country is supplying coffee all over the world.
60. Not a drink, but Coffee was initially a food commodity
In the days of its inception, the consumption of coffee was in the form of a food commodity. People used to crush the coffee beans in the grass and consume it in the same way. There wasn’t any method into existence at that time for the preparation of the coffee drink.
61. But in reality, it is a fruit!
Although many of the people consider coffee beans as beans. But, in reality, these are not beans but they are a fruit. Crushing these beans, the juice comes out, which is not possible in the case of beans.
62. Coffee – Its smell is enough to get rid of your sleep
Another scientific fact on our list of interesting facts about coffee. If we smell coffee at the beginning of our day in the morning. It will help us in getting rid of your sleep. And you know clearly, how effective our cup of coffee is while getting energy dose for our body.
63. The USA – Where coffee is life
People from the USA are having an extreme love for the coffee. The country is on the top of the list of the countries consuming coffee. In this way, we can measure the place coffee is having in their life.
64. Almost 80% of the people in the USA start their day with a cup of coffee
Every 4 out of 5 persons in the USA start their day with a coffee cup. However, Hawaii is the only state in the USA that produces coffee. Therefore, USA is also the largest importer of coffee in the world.
65. And at the end of the day, Americans drink 450 million cups of coffee
And when the day is about to end, Americans drop 450 million cups of coffee in their stomach. Coffee is just a part of their lifestyle and it is impossible to separate them with coffee. We need to salute their dedication and love for coffee.
Weird - Interesting Facts about Coffee
Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the weird aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.

66. The most expensive coffee in the world is…
When we are talking about the most expensive coffee in the world, we need to visit Indonesia. The Kopi Luwak coffee costs in between $100 to $500 for a single pound. And to our utmost shock, this coffee is made up from the coffee beans digested by the Sumatran Cat.
67. Islamic countries banned coffee because…
Many of the Islamic countries imposed a ban on the coffee because of some belief that depicts that drinking coffee is blasphemous.
68. And if you don’t offer her a coffee, she will divorce you
If you are a Turkish Man, it is a pre-requisite for you to provide your wife with coffee. Not letting the wife drink coffee can also be a reason for your divorce with your wife.
69. Why Starbucks use round tables?
You will find round tables in Starbucks. The main reason for such kind of construction is to avoid the loneliness from the mind of solo coffee drinkers. This is how one can learn to take care of their customers!
70. Naples – Where you can do a good deed!
In the city of Naples, in Italy, you can also carry out a good deed with coffee. Such as, if you are happy with something, you can pay for two coffee cups to the shop owner and get only one coffee. The shop owner will serve the remaining extra coffee cup to the one who cannot afford coffee.
71. How coffee and webcam are related to each other?
And another shocking yet interesting facts about coffee. The first ever webcam came into existence so that the coffee mill owner can keep an eye on the workers who are producing coffee.
72. Coffee helped Brazilian players to reach 1932 Olympics
In the year of 1932, the government of Brazil was falling short of funds for sending their players to the Olympics. At that point in time, they loaded the ship of players with the coffee beans. The players sold the coffee beans on their way. In this way, they met up the shortage of funds.
73. What are your thoughts about a Coffee Spa?
Coffee provides us with the sudden relaxation and so is the spa. Just imagine how much relaxation both of them will give when together. In order to get an ultimate relaxation, there is such coffee spa in the country of Japan.
74. Coffee also keeps the bond stronger
In Turkey, there is a ritual during their marriages. A bride has to serve the groom with a cup of coffee consisting of salt. If the groom drinks that coffee cup without complaining, then it depicts that he will keep the bride in a good way. In this manner, coffee keeps the bond between the pair stronger.
75. People consume almost 500 billion cups of coffee in a year
If we calculate the total coffee consumption across the world in a year. It will be almost 500 billion cups. And because of this reason, coffee is among the most famous beverages all around the world.
76. Milk weakens the effect of Caffeine
If you want to reduce the effect of Caffeine on your body, then we would recommend you to drink coffee with more amount of milk.
77. And crema makes the coffee to stay warmer
In case, if you want your coffee cup to stay warm for a long period of time. You just have to add some cream to your coffee cup.
78. Coffee means Wine
In Arabia, the word for Coffee is Qawah. This word is the synonym for wine in their language.
Coffee Consumption Related - Interesting Facts about Coffee

Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to our coffee consumption. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.
79. Women consuming coffee on regular basis can lower risk of basal cell carcinoma
Women, who are prone to basal cell carcinoma, they must drink few cups of coffee daily. There are many research papers which indicate, that having coffee removes the elements causing basal cell carcinoma of our body. Therefore, it is beneficial to their health to a greater extent.
80. If you are a regular coffee drinker, then there are less possibilities of calcium deposits in your arteries
Another good news for the regular coffee drinkers. The people who drink coffee on regular basis are having less possibilities of calcium deposits in the arteries. This saves our arteries from causing any further damage to them.
81. Coffee is having neuroprotective properties which reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines
As the coffee that we drink is having neuroprotective properties, we can easily fight the anti-aging elements. Furthermore, it also increases the power of Anti-Inflammatory elements. This will help us to lead a healthy life.
82. Coffee activates our brain stem cells and improves the health of our brain
Coffee is having certain elements in it which activate the brain stem cells. Such elements help in improving the condition of our brain. As a result, our brain will become more active. Which will make it easier for us to take a right decision within no time.
83. Consuming coffee regularly also reduces the risk of dementia
Drinking just three to five cups of coffee in a day will cut down the risk of dementia in our body. Due to this, the people who are having a fear of this disease from their family or surroundings must drink coffee in abundance.
84. Coffee drinking also encourages you to enhance your athletic performance
Although too much coffee is not preferable, coffee drinking will surely improve your athletic skills. Coffee is among the safest energy drinks in the world. Its consumption provides us with a lot of energy for carrying out activities of physical efforts.
Coffee Beans Related- Interesting Facts about Coffee
Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee when it comes to the health regarding aspects. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.

85. Coffee Beans are not really beans, they are berries
Yes, we already said that coffee beans are fruits and this fruit is berry. As we extract the juice from the berries, in the same way, we extract the juices out from our coffee beans.
86. Sadly, a single coffee tree produces just 5 pounds of beans
Another shocking yet interesting facts about coffee are that coffee tree produces very less amount of beans. From one coffee tree, we will not get more than 5 pounds of coffee beans. Therefore, we need a large land and too many crops for producing coffee beans in abundance.
87. The more you roast, less will be the caffeine
Some people say that roasting the beans will result in an increase in the amount of caffeine. However, the vice versa is true in this case. The more we roast the coffee, more it will burn the caffeine. Thus, if you want to reduce your caffeine consumption, you must roast the beans well.
88. First selling license of Coffee was given in 1670
The first ever coffee selling license was issued in England in the year of 1670. We can consider it as the beginning of the professional sale of coffee in the world.
89. Coffee beans have more energy than any other Energy drink
Yes, the coffee beans are having a tremendous amount of energy that we can utilize in carrying out our day to day activities. It is even more than the energy drinks available in the market.
90. 25 million people depend on coffee beans for their livelihood
The people who produce coffee belong to the poor communities. The crop yield of a coffee tree is much less. Hence, it requires a large piece of land for the coffee cultivation. In this way, coffee is the reason to live for 25 million people across the world.
91. For roasting 1 Kilogram of Coffee, you will require almost 5000 coffee beans
In order to produce 1 KG of coffee, one will need 5000 coffee beans. And in order to prepare this much amount of coffee, we have to waste 137 gallons of water.
92. However, Starbucks spends more on Employees rather than Coffee Beans
This is another notable fact. Starbucks is popular and successful because it knows how to take care of the business. Make the men and the men will make you. Starbucks spends more on the health insurance of their employees, which is more than the amount they spend so as to get coffee beans.
Miscellaneous Ones - Interesting Facts about Coffee

Here are some of the interesting facts about coffee. We hope that with the knowledge of these known and unknown facts, you will be getting a perfect knowledge of drinking the coffee. Kindly go through facts and determine the impact coffee makes on our body.
If you are an Avid coffee drinker, then you will surely love going through these facts.
93. People consume daily 2.25 Billion cups of coffee every day
The daily consumption of coffee across the world amounts to 2.25 billion cups of coffee. This indicates the position and importance coffee is having in the life of people.
94. Morning 9:30 to 11:30 is the time when coffee is more effective
One more scientific fact on our list of interesting facts about coffee. If we drink coffee in morning at between 9:30 am to 11:30 am, its effect will stay on our body till a long time period.
95. George Washington – Thank you for the instant coffee
And if you are a fan of instant coffee, then you need to thank Mr. George Washington. He was the one who invented the machine for the preparation of instant coffee. After the invention of this machine, preparing a cup of coffee became a lot simpler task.
96. Starbucks – Known all around the world for best tasting coffee
Owning a large chain of Coffee Shops, Starbucks is known for the delicious tasting coffee that it serves to the customers worldwide. As of now, there are more than 87000 varieties of coffee available with Starbucks.
97. Prior to Coffee, Beer was the beverage for breakfast in the USA
Before the coffee became popular in the USA, beer was more prevalent among the people for their breakfast. Can you imagine having a beer for breakfast? Though, isn’t it! So we can consider coffee as a substitute for beer.
98. Sweet Potato – A substitute for Coffee
During the American Civil War, when the supply of coffee didn’t reach out to the soldiers, they dried sweet potatoes as the substitute for the coffee. To our utmost shock, the sweet potatoes also gave them with the same effect as that of coffee.
99. France and Germany – Following the footsteps of the USA
After the USA, France and Germany are the leading consumers of the coffee. USA, France and Germany together consume 65% of the total coffee that is produced in the world.
100. The First Ever Coffee Advertisement
The handbill, right now in the British Museum was published and distributed in the year of 1651. It reads “The Virtue of the coffee drink first publicly made and sold in England, by Pasqua Rosee…in St. Michael’s Alley Cornhill…at the Signe of his own head.”
101. It is also the preferred drink for Dates
Coffee is also the most preferred drink for dates. Sitting in the warmth of someone, whom we love, holding their hands and sipping the warm coffee. Who doesn’t loves this feel? Hence, coffee has become a leading choice among the couples and the coffee shops as the perfect destination for their dates. It will surely get you a cozy feel!
Hereby, in our present comprehensive article on, 101 Interesting Facts about Coffee Every Avid Drinker Must Know we have explained about some of the amazing facts about the coffee. While going through all these points, you will be able to understand about coffee in a better way. We hope that this article on interesting facts about coffee will surely increase your love for your coffee. For reading more such kind of articles, keep on reading
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